What documents do I need to file a claim? - fr.FlightClaimCaribbean.com
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FAQ – Claims process

What documents do I need to file a claim?

Our online claim submission forms request the provision of some travel documents. Namely, we may ask for copies of the boarding pass, booking confirmation and a personal identification document (passport or national identification card) to be submitted. In addition, in some cases the online form may ask for receipts of extra expenses or of the booking to be uploaded.

We only use these documents to double check that the details you provided are correct, and are thus not compulsory to submit. Receipts are only requested in cases where they may be refunded, but are also not compulsory to provide.

However, your personal identification document will be necessary, if your case needs to be escalated to a legal level. If this is the case and you had not provided the document when filing the claim, we will contact you and request that you submit it.